INTERLACE will foster mutual learning between the partner cities through EU-Latin American city pairings (local City Network Accelerators) based on city needs, ambitions, challenges and characteristics and the regional (EU or Latin American) and global "Cities Talk Nature " groups. These will capitalise on the unique knowledge and experiences of each city and region and support the co-production of strategies, tools and solutions.
The Cities Talk Nature groups form a durable and effective exchange mechanism using a multi-level approach to:
(1) connect INTERLACE cities with their stakeholders (local City Network Accelerators),
(2) connect cities and their surrounding areas with other municipalities within Latin America and EU (regional Cities Talk Nature groups); and
(3) foster an international city knowledge exchange (global Cities Talk Nature groups).
These three tiers will build on and enrich activities carried out by existing regional and thematic networks, including the Latin American Federation of Cities, Municipalities and Associations of Local Governments, (FLACMA) and the National Union of Local Governments (UNGL), as member of FLACMA as well as Climate Alliance and United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG). The thematic network OPPLA and the INTERLACE city partners themselves are supporting this process. Cities joining the Cities Talk Nature groups are invited to sign a commitment document outlining principles for urban ecosystem restoration, thereby creating a global community of interest and action. They will evolve around thematic clusters that are either of interest to the cities and networks or that allow INTERLACE to test and discuss tools and methodologies developed in the project. The pairings and Cities Talk Nature groups will also foster sustained exchange beyond the project.
Title photo © SamXmeg |