Apples and pears, coffee, almonds, avocado, pumpkin and zucchini: what looks like your last shopping list may actually disappear from your dining table if pollinator insects such as bees went extinct. And this scenario is getting more realistic with each passing day due to increasing urbanisation, high pollution levels and destruction of green spaces. One key step to save pollinators is to make everyone understand the tight bond between our lives and their survival. Want to help but unsure how? In this case, the answer is a hashtag: #Flowers4Bees!
#Flowers4Bees is a social media campaign celebrating World Bee Day (May 20) and raising awareness of the importance of bees and pollinators in general. Joining us is easy: from May 3 to June 4, take a picture of a flower and/or a bee and post it on our dedicated Facebook group or on your Twitter profile – in this case, do not forget to use #Flowers4Bees or we will not be able to find your picture!
INTERLACE has teamed up with the following projects and networks to launch this initiative, working together to make our cities more sustainable, green and liveable:
How do the projects achieve their goal? By designing and installing innovative nature-based solutions in many European cities. These are interventions inspired by nature and they tackle urban problems such as poor air quality, limited biodiversity, flooding and high temperatures.
Bees and pollinator insects will gladly see nature-based solutions pop-up in cities all over Europe. One intervention they will for sure enjoy: pollinator houses, helping them move across the city and reach as many green areas as possible. By following #Flowers4Bees you will certainly spot some of those already installed by the projects and letting bees pursue their crucial mission for the survival of countless vegetal species.
URBAN GreenUP, proGIreg, UNaLab, INTERLACE, NetworkNature, EdiCitNet, GrowGreen and CLEARING HOUSE have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. Oppla is supported by the European Commission under the Environment (including climate change) Theme of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technical Development.