This INTERLACE project deliverable presents the tailor-made assessments systems for restorative nature-based solutions (NBS) resulting from the implementation of the INTERLACE Pilot Assessment Framework in the six INTERLACE cities: Metropolia Krakovska, el Corredor Biológico Interurbano María Aguilar (CBIMA), Granollers, Portoviejo, Envigado and Chemnitz. The development of tailored assessment systems has gone through an AGILE development process. The INTERLACE Pilot Assessment Framework is a step-wise, modular and hierarchical assessment framework with flexibility to be tailored to specific needs for evaluating restorative NBS, in a specific context, in line with the city-specific planning cycle, and across different spatial scales (from site to regional scale). It now consists of seven core modules (each of them consisting of several sub-modules). The different modules can be stepwise combined into a tailor-made assessment framework.
Maestre-Andrés S., Langemeyer J., Melo I. et al. (2023). Tailor-made nature-based solutions assessment systems for INTERLACE cities. Deliverable 3.3. INTERLACE project.