Online course "Nature-based Solutions: How to regenerate nature to make neighborhoods more livable, biodiverse, and resilient to climate change"

Panorama of Bogota
Online course "Nature-based Solutions: How to regenerate nature to make neighborhoods more livable, biodiverse, and resilient to climate change"

Urban areas across the globe are facing unprecedented challenges – pollution, climate change, urban sprawl – and traditional solutions are falling short. Join the INTERLACE project's free online course to discover how nature-based solutions offer a promising approach to help create resilient, sustainable cities.

The course has been developed with a strong focus on the needs of practitioners and decision-makers, aiming to complement theory with practice by drawing on insights and resources developed within the INTERLACE project. Through seven interactive modules featuring videos from industry leaders, case studies, quizzes and additional readings, you will be able to learn how to:

  • Design and implement effective nature-based solutions,

  • Engage local communities with municipal actors in the co-creative processes involved, 

  • Generate environmental, social and economic benefits for your city.


    More specifically, the following seven modules will give you the knowledge and resources to design and implement effective nature-based solutions which engage your communities:

    • INTRODUCTION to urban nature-based solutions as a tool to address global challenges

    • POLICY INSTRUMENTS for mainstreaming NbS in urban governance

    • CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT as a tool to build local awareness and participation around NbS

    • CO-CREATION as a form of collaborative NbS governance

    • SPATIAL PLANNING and prioritising NbS to address urban challenges

    • URBAN DESIGN for resilient cities, using social and nature-based tools

    • MONITORING and evaluating NbS using a co-creation approach

    Enroll in the MOOC!


    INTERLACE 2024: Nature-based Solutions: How to regenerate nature to make neighborhoods more livable, biodiverse, and resilient to climate change. Massive Open Online Course. Online: