This report examines how ethics, gender, and diversity were integrated into project activities, providing valuable insights for future nature-based solutions (NbS) initiatives and research. Through a justice-oriented lens, the report leverages conceptual and practical tools to explore these critical dimensions.
(NbS) research is crucial for ensuring equitable outcomes of NbS and assessing their broader impacts. Comprehensive monitoring of these dimensions can reveal disparities in participation and benefit distribution among different social groups, enhancing equality in NbS design and implementation. Yet, their intangible nature, their dependence on local contexts, and data limitations pose challenges to a comprehensive monitoring. Taking these complexities into account, this report introduces a conceptual framework to assess justice aspects as part of NbS research and urban planning.
This framework defines justice through three dimensions: distributional justice (ensuring fair resource allocation), procedural justice (guaranteeing equitable decision-making), and recognitional justice (honouring cultural identities). By embedding these principles into monitoring processes, the framework aligns social and environmental objectives, fostering more inclusive and resilient urban spaces.
Burgos Cuevas, N., Bueb, B., Salmon, N., and Iwaszuk, E., 2024. Summary Report on Monitoring Ethics, Gender, and Diversity Issues in INTERLACE (Deliverable 6.6 - English version). Illustration and Layout by O’Donnell, C., and Gajos, I., OPPLA